To promote enhanced community engagement in Bangkok Bilingual School, we have launched a series of friendly football matches which involved students from G1 to G6, along with their parents cheering on the sidelines and teachers facilitating the games. The event drew immense support, and concluded successfully.
This activity encourages not only sportsmanship, but camaraderie and a sense of community in our school. We plan to make this a regular activity throughout the school year.
Safari World
Going Places: Let's Go Travel!
Nature Science
Sports Around the World
Go Retro!
Cool Tech
Community Synergy
To the Future, and Beyond!
Healthy Habits, Healthy Life
Thai Peace and Unity
Superheroes to the Rescue
Ocean Adventure
The Wonderful World of Science
Seasons of the World
Wander in the World of Tales
Around the World in 15 Days
Water Adventure
Kids @ Work
Going Green
Ancient Civilisations
Wild West
Animal Kingdom
Space Adventure
Underwater World
Around the World: Cultures of the Continents
Invention and Innovation
Blast to the Past
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind
Enchanted Kingdom
Bigger and Wiser
Then and Now
Nature and Me
World Explorer
Teamwork Works!
60 Years for a Great King
Children: The Promise of Tomorrow
Thai Peace and Unity