Kindergarten Curriculum


The BBS Kindergarten Programme provides children, ages two and a half to six, with a comprehensive, flexible program designed to reinforce and respond to the unique strengths and needs of each individual child and family. Our curriculum is based on the premise that all children share certain needs, and that their needs are best met through a child-centered developmental program.

The Goal

Our goal is to provide an environment and experiences that bring about a greater degree of school readiness skills and social competence in preschool children. To achieve this goal, we provide a child-centered curriculum that promotes self-confidence, physical abilities, increased-academic awareness and healthy social interaction through our SMART planning.

SMART – Goals that are specific and clear are easier to achieve.

MEASURABLE – Goals that are measurable can be tracked and allows the teachers to see the student’s progress.

ATTAINABLE (ACHIEVABLE) – Goals that are not impossible to achieve gives the student a sense of accomplishment.

RELEVANT (REALISTIC) – Goals that are relevant or realistic avoid overwhelming and unnecessary stress to both teachers and students.

TIME BOUND – Goals that are time bound helps the students to stay focused and motivated. On a daily basis, giving time limits to students to finish their work helps them understand the meaning of responsibility.

The Academic Approach

As we keep our focus on using SMART in our goals, we also incorporate SMART academic approaches. Our SMART academic subjects comprise of:

S – Simple Science
Students will be able to observe and participate in simple experiments to gain knowledge on how things work around them. They will be provided with lots of objects to observe, touch, investigate and ask questions about.

M – Maths and Numbers
In this subject, students will be able to become familiar with the basics and set a solid foundation. Students will learn to count and recognize numbers, identify shapes and their attributes, add and subtract numbers, and complete patterns.

A - Arts (Motor Skills) and Actions (Physical Education)
Arts - In this subject, students will be able to express creativity and imagination as well as develop self-confidence and enhance motor skills.

Actions (Physical Education) – the students will be able to develop physical competence and knowledge of movement and safety, and their ability to use these to perform in a wide range of activities associated with the development of an active and healthy lifestyle.

R - Reading (Alphabet, Phonics and Reading Comprehension)
In this subject, the students will be able to understand written symbols and letters, distinguish different sounds of oral language and understand the meaning of them. For higher levels, students will be able to comprehend reading materials and will be given the opportunity to widen their vocabulary.

T – Technology (Basic Computer lessons) (Tablets)
In this subject, students will be able to understand the basic use of modern technologies. It will help develop curiosity and creativity and prepare them for the future.


Bangkok Tawiwit Bilingual School continues from the academic classroom to programme enrichment and extracurricular activities where we encourage each learner to explore, learn and grow. This creates a solid foundation for our students here at school to be disciplined, confident, problem-solving and lifelong learners. BBS After School Programme is designed to create a positive, productive and safe environment for all students and provide them another opportunity for academic enrichment, social engagement and personality development, and to explore different activities after a full classroom day. Our After School Programme is made up of academic support and recreational courses, as shown in the following list:

Academic-Support Courses

ESL (English as a Second Language)
This course is designed for Kindergarten 1 to 3. It aims to expand English vocabulary, develop confidence in speaking/listening and reading/writing including formal and informal registers. Higher level students learn to monitor and self-correct their linguistic output. In addition, it aims to develop fluency in the use of higher-level grammatical structures.

Thai Language
This course is designed for Kindergarten 1 to 3. It focuses on developing Thai language skills by learning the Thai alphabet, the grammar structures, expanding vocabulary and enhancing reading skills.

Recreational Courses

Creative Arts
This course is designed to let students explore their creative skills through arts and crafts and individual and class projects. Students will also be taught some useful art techniques in paper maché, clay, collage, painting and drawing.

Thai Traditional Dance
This course is designed to teach students various types of Thai classical and folk dances. The practice will help improve learning skills including physical, social-emotional and mental development. During some school activities, selected students will have the opportunity to perform for the parents and show the essence of Thai culture in the most artistic way dance.

Sports - Swimming
This course aims to develop basic stroke competencies and techniques in swimming. Students will be expected to practice, acquire and finally demonstrate correct and efficient techniques in at least three out of the four swimming strokes (front crawl, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly stroke).